Annotation @Autowired is used to inject object dependency implicitly for a constructor, field or method. This is known as "autowired by type" since the object to be injected is discovered by its type. The items declared @Autowired need not have to be public.
It can be used to create more than one bean of the same type and wire only one of the types with a property. It provides greater control on the dependency injection process and can be used with @Autowired annotation.
Used to mark class members that are mandatory. The Spring auto-configuration fails if a particular property specified with this annotation cannot be injected.
Make Spring scan the package for the @Configuration clases.
It is used on classes that define beans.
It indicates that a method produces a bean which will be mananged by the Spring container.
Makes a @Bean or @Component to be initialized only if it is requested.
It is used to inject values into a bean's attribute from a property file. @Value annotation indicates a default value expression for the field or parameter.
Tags:Spring, Spring Framework annotations